mamalila Tragejacken  over 50,000 satisfied customers

    mamalila certified as a climate neutral company

    06.05.2019 11:35

    After the first completely climate neutral babywearing jacket, the next bit step has now been taken: mamalila has been officially certified as a climate neutral company.

    Over the past months, the specialist for sustainable babywearing clothing in cooperation with ClimatePartner has collected all the relevant data for the so-called Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF), that is the carbon footprint of mamalila as a company: information ranging from the number of kilometers traveled by all employees, to the energy consumption for heating, from electricity and water, to the printing and office supplies, this information was processed in a database in order to determine the amount of climate harmful gases that were produced within a year.

    Together with ClimatePartner the results were analysed, also identifying potential savings and exchanging ideas.  Irrespective of this, mamalila has made compensatory payments to the previously identified climate protection project, the Kasigau Wildlife Corridor in Kenya, for the emissions that have arisen and may therefore from now on call itself a climate neutral company – complete with letter and seal, certified by ClimatePartner.  Thanks to financial support rangers in Kenya are being trained to protect around 200,000 hectares of dry forest and savannah from deforestation and slash-and-burn, the project is creating new, sustainable jobs for the local population, which will no longer need to exploit nature.

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